We live in a toxic world. Environmental pollution and disease-causing germs assault us continually day after day. Our food is nutrient deficient and our water supply dangerously contaminated. People today are exposed to chemicals in far greater concentration than were previous generations. Thousands of tons of man-made chemicals and industrial pollutants are poured into our environment and our food supply daily.
With such a massive attack on our health, we should all be sick from toxic overload. And we are!! In no other time in the history of the world has degenerative disease been as prominent as it is today. Diseases that were rare or unheard of a century ago are now raging upon us like a plague.
Over the past decade, hundreds of studies have demonstrated the dangers to health from toxins in the environment. Toxic accumulation manifests itself in a variety of ways. Toxic accumulation is the underlying cause for most all degenerative disease. It is estimated that nearly 92 percent of the population in Western countries will succumb to one or more degenerative diseases.
Nature, has provided us with the solution. Our bodies are amazingly resilient. If the disease-causing toxins are removed, the body can heal itself. Removing years of toxic accumulation requires proper guidance and a conscious effort.

Detox Kits
There is no doubt about it, we do not live in a pristine world. We live in an environment unlike any in history. In today's world of processed foods and environmental pollution, toxic substances exist almost everywhere.
Optimal energy and radiant health result from internal cleansing. Each of us understands how important it is to be clean on the outside, but do not realize it's even more important to be clean on the inside.
Common signs and symptoms of toxin buildup are headaches, joint pains, fatigue, allergies, immune weakness, mood changes, constipation, sinus congestion, chronic backache, blood sugar problems, skin conditions and hormonal problems.
The detoxification process is critically dependent on an adequate amount of nutrition: specific vitamins, enzymes, and minerals. Without these specific nutrients, the liver cannot eliminate toxins. Without elimination, these stored toxins may be slowly released into the blood, contributing to many chronic illnesses, including some cancers.
Biotics Research Corporation (our primary nutritional support manufacturer) has developed a powerful detoxification program that prepares the body to best adapt to a nutritional regimen which we recommend to all of our clients. The program is 10 to 30 days based upon a stressor biocommunication scan and comes with support material and online references to guide through the detoxification.
At Harmonic Convergence, we look at each individual with an understanding that we all have a different environment, body and emotional blueprint therefore, we have a variety of detoxification methods and protocols that is designed specifically for each individual. For example, energy clearing techniques based upon Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in regards to the body’s chakras and meridians (the energy centers and paths of the body), bio-energy scans, infrared sauna, ionic foot spa, diet and nutrition, meditation and breathing exercises.
Infrared Sauna
Heat therapy, technically referred to as hyperthermia, the condition of having a body temperature greatly above normal, is also known as sweat therapy, because it generates perspiration; or fever therapy, because it induces an “artificial” fever. Heat therapy is one of the most powerful natural cleansing methods know. Heat draws out toxins, helps clean out clogged pores, kills harmful microbes, increases circulation and oxygenation of tissues, stimulates glands and organs, enhances the immune system, gives a cardiovascular workout similar to aerobic exercise, and invigorates and refreshes the mind. Hyperthermia, is, in a sense, a natural all-purpose body cleanser.
Infrared heat penetrates tissue, joints and muscles to relieve minor aches and pains and chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.
The sauna at Harmonic Convergence is a Full Spectrum Sauna, which most saunas are far Infrared (FIR saunas), which emit strictly far and mid infrared waves only, while full spectrum saunas emit far, mid AND near infrared waves.
Full Spectrum Saunas increase blood circulation and oxygen flow, boosts wound healing and aids in pain relief, increases white cell count by 58%, therefore improves your immune system. Full Spectrum Saunas initiates perspiration and detoxification, stimulates light cardio and burns calories, and focuses on muscle recovery.
The Full Spectrum takes the therapy even further by focusing on skin and cell health, improves wrinkles and fine lines on the skin and mitigates inflammation and assists with acne.