Evox - Perception Reframing
There is scientific proof our emotional body has a direct impact on our physical body. Almost all cancer patients share a common problem - emotional toxicity. Usually this manifests as unresolved anger and resentment towards someone associated with deep hurt and grief.
Our limiting beliefs and ideas are often the cause of our illness. At Harmonic Convergence, we provide a service to assist in changing the way you feel and think about something or someone. Evox (Zyto Technology) facilitates a process called perception reframing. Because we perceive more than we are aware of, perception is more often felt rather than thought about.
Perception has a powerful impact on your entire life, including overall health and wellness. Perception shapes the way you think and creates your outlook on life. An expansive, positive outlook will allow you to function with great ease and less stress. A limited outlook creates more stress and can impact your health and wellness in a negative way.
What you see in any situation or circumstance is quite often determined by things beyond your control: your circumstances, the influence of others, or the patterns you inherited from your parents and grandparents. All these factors shape your ability to perceive the world.
But everyone has blind spots, things we don't see because we lack the necessary information. That's why people can share one experience and come away with multiple reports or attitudes about what happened. Some people will report the glass as “half-full” while others report the same glass as “half-empty”.
Regardless of how your perceptions are formed, they create your reality and drive the decisions you make on both a conscious and subconscious level.
Clinical experience has shown that most perceptions are static. Because perception creates reality, this means you will repeat behaviors both good and bad, thus creating the same reality over and over. A person may repeatedly attract destructive behaviors; for example, the woman who repeatedly marries abusive men. Even though at an intellectual level she knows better, for some reason she continues to fall for the “wrong guy”.
A golfer may approach the ball the same way every time and thus reach a performance plateau. At a conscious level he may learn better techniques, but at a subconscious level he is still bound by the perception he carries of his golf game, or his ability to master it. His golf reality remains static.
This is the result of a static perception that perpetuates dysfunctional outcomes and has very little to do with her intellectual desire for something better.
Because perception creates reality, this means you will repeat behaviors both good and bad, thus creating the same reality over and over. To the extent your perception is whole and expansive you will create a functional reality. To the extent your perceptions is lacking you will create dysfunction by holding on to opinions, attitudes, or ways with dealing with life that create a deficient outcome. This can be a major barrier in every area of your life, including personal relationships, the achievement of goals, and even healing or recovering from illness and injury.
Perception is closely tied to emotion. Often you can sense the emotion of others just by listening to them speak, regardless of their words. In fact, the audible tones in spoken voice are packed with subtle energetic qualities that can be measured and tracked. These qualities change to match the topic because they are a reflection of the speaker's perception of the topic.
What if there was a process or tool that would help you expand your perceptions, a tool that would provide you the information you need to eliminate your blind spots?
Zyto Evox uses your voice as the indicator of perception (VOX is Latin for voice). During an Evox session, the computer will record and track subtle energetic qualities in your voice. This information is used as part of a process called Perception Reframing.
How Evox Works:
- Evox is designed to listen to the subtle qualities of spoken voice and display them into what is called a voice map. Evox records a 10-second slice of your voice and displays it on the computer as a Perception Index.
- The Perception Index shows the energy pattern of your voice. The pattern includes energy, or information that is present and information that is missing. The Perception Index is divided into 12 zones (Unacknowledged, Repetitive Thinking, Depression, Emotionally Disconnection, Self-Critical, Conditional Love, Anger, Fearful and Overwhelmed, Suppressed Emotional Expression, Unworthy/Undeserving, Rigid Beliefs and Conflicting Beliefs), allowing you to identify and consider potential blockages.
- Using a stimulus-response exchange called a biosurvey, the Evox scans information options and selects frequencies you respond most favorably to; the information your body “likes”.
- Evox then sends the information to the body along with sound via a headset while you rest your hand on the hand cradle and think about the topic or event or person of which you are speaking. This dual sensory communication facilities the subconscious adjustment that is often described as “unburdening”. This voice remapping process is particularly helpful if emotional healing is indicated.
- The process of reading the voice and then receiving information through the hand cradle is repeated several times throughout the Evox session. As missing information is incorporated, the voice pattern will change. These changes are recognized by the software and then revealed in the Perception Index. A significant change in the pattern or “shift” is an indicator that the perception of the topic has been reframed.
- At the conclusion of the session, a flower remedy scan will be initiated. The computer will send a flower essence biosurvey through the hand cradle and will record the body's most positive response to the top five Bach and/or Australian Bush remedies. Through the hand cradle, you will receive the energy frequencies of these top responses. A list and description of each of the essences will be provided along with a vial of each of the drops to be used for the weeks following the session.
- Repeated, negative behavior
- Weight problems
- Addictions
- Work or athletic performance
- Post-Traumatic Stress
- Relationship problems
- Chronic Pain
Perception Reframing leads to new ways seeing things, more options for dealing with life, and new improved realities. It allows for one to release past experiences so they can live more fully in the present. It helps negative feelings dissipate. If helps one feel more loving, powerful, peaceful and whole. It helps one move forward into the future with optimism and hope. It helps one live their life to the fullest.
Why Evox?
Evox can be helpful when dealing with issues like:
I love my job but there is someone I work with that makes me uncomfortable and I didn't like going to work. It got to the point I was calling in sick all the time, I just dreaded going to work and facing this person. I got an Evox session and after the first session, something changed and I wanted to go to work again. After several sessions, I am no longer annoyed by the person that I felt aversion towards. Our working relationship has improved and I want to go to work again.
- Jennifer A.
My wife was going in each week for Trans general Evox sessions. I noticed she treated her mother different and they weren't bickering all the time. I realized there was something about Evox so I had a session on my Dad. It's hard to describe, I just feel different about him.
- Andy G.
Anytime I feel anxious and feel upset, I have an Evox session. Within an hour, I feel better and whatever I was upset about is no longer an issue. I feel more at peace and I love having the Bach flower scan to help clarify where I am out of balance.
- Michelle G.
ZYTO Technology does not identify, diagnose or treat any disease or medical condition.