TCM or Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a profound pathway to create balance to achieve optimal health by taking into considering the whole person; the physical, mental and spiritual aspects. Chinese Medicine believes that every living being is sustained by a basic Life Force, called “qi”. Although qi is everywhere in the body, it does have main pathways which qi flows, nourishing and warming the organs and body parts, and harmonizing their activity. These channels are called meridians, the energy paths of the body. Also, within the body, are the Chakras, the concentrated energy centers of the body that keep us functioning at optimal levels. Sometimes, we experience a block or leak in the energy flow of the body that affects the energy pathways and/or energy centers, resulting in an imbalance or disharmony in the body.
There are a number of energy healing modalities or techniques that assists in healing the disharmony or imbalances within the body such as Reiki, Qigong, Tai Chi, Meditation, Yoga, Feng Shui. The following techniques are some of the modalities we offer:
Reiki Energy
Although Reiki has traditionally been used as a healing system, it is also extremely effective as a way to help individuals increase awareness, insight, wisdom and personal growth.
We intuitively use Reiki energy. When we were children and we were hurt, we were soothed by our mother’s caring touch, while she rubbed the “hurting” spot. We naturally hold and protect areas that we have injured and in doing so are also drawing in Reiki energy to those parts to help them recover. Reiki energy is plentiful and is available to everyone.
In a Reiki session, the energy drawn in by the recipient is done so through the practitioner’s hands. The practitioner’s hands will be placed directly upon you or slightly above you and the session is typically done in a half hour to an hour. Relaxing music is played in the background and most recipients fall to sleep during this healing modality.
In a Reiki session, the practitioner will not only be addressing the physical imbalances in a specific area, but also their energetic centers within the chakras. By balancing these centers, the energetic blocks or leaks are balanced, allowing for balanced flow of energy through the meridians, organs and body.

Crystal Reiki
Crystals have been used for centuries as tools for healing and increasing levels of awareness with each stone being specifically selected for specific frequencies and properties. Crystal Reiki utilizes the frequencies that reside within the earth and amplifies them through the crystal with the power of Reiki energy. By infusing these powerful vibrations with the consciousness of Reiki energy, the shifts can be targeted and profound.
Crystal Layouts
The human energy field is primarily composed of the aura, a set of energy bands that graduate in frequency and color as they move outward from the body. This energy field partners with the energy centers of the body, the chakras.
Any disharmony that your aura collects from the auric fields around you (personal or environmental) can be trapped and retained in your etheric body (first layer of your aura), which contains all energies that are released through your chakras, in turn these disharmonious energies manifest as imbalances in your physical body.
Crystal Layouts combines the intentions inherent in the properties of crystals in specific formation and placed on or near your body, a very specific and complex electromagnetic force field (energy field) which acts to repolarize any fields that are misaligned by drawing out and adding the necessary energy vibrations to compensate for the imbalances.
Your body’s energy fields will re-align and your chakras will be cleared, balanced and opened which aids healing, promoting the overall feeling of well-being.
Crystal Grids
Crystal Grids can transform your life with the use of layouts. Based upon the subtle energy dynamics of sacred geometry, a crystal grid is a precise pattern laid using empowered crystals for the purpose of manifesting a desired outcome, or for cleansing and safeguarding a space.
The possibilities for a grid are endless and offer countless benefits. For example, they can release grief, create abundance, safeguard space, cleanse the aura and chakras, attract love into your life, enhance fertility, spiritual expansion, or send forgiveness and healing intent.
Grids stabilize and cleanse energies for their beneficial effects on the human energy field. Grids unlock and rebalance the chakras and aura, dispersing imbalances and creating well-being. They can be used for relaxation, emotional clearing, support, or deep healing, or for more specific outcomes, such as overcoming insomnia or headaches, or the detrimental effects of electromagnetic fields.

Gem Remedies
Crystals have powerful vibrations, it is easy to transfer these vibrations to water. Gem remedies, also known as elixirs or essences, can be taken internally – unless the stone is toxic. They can also be applied to the skin or put into bathwater.
Specific stones assist in clearing the energies within the chakras, by taking the Gem essence, the chakra opens and clears, therefore providing balance and well-being.

Meridians are the pathways of communication between various parts of the human body/mind/soul complex. These meridians channel an invisible nutritive energy known to the Chinese as qi or Chi. The qi energy enters the body through specific points and flows to deeper organ structures. Meridians bring life-giving nourishment with a gentle subtle energetic nature. A strong and balanced flow of energy through the body’s meridians is important to optimal health. Blocked meridians create imbalanced energy flow to organs, which contributes to disease states within the body.
We have a variety of methods to balance the meridians. With an bio-energy scan, energy healing, Reiki session, essential oils, tinctures or crystals.