Low Level Laser Therapy

Photobiomodulation (PBM Therapy) previously known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLT), is the application of red and near infrared light over injuries or lesions to improve wound and soft tissue healing, reduce inflammation and give relief to both acute and chronic pain.
Low Level Laser Therapy is used on individuals seeking improved function, eliminate pain and swelling. Low Level Laser Therapy, sometimes referred to as, cold laser treatments, use specific wavelengths of light, which interacts with tissues that is damaged, injured, or irritated. Ultimately, this type of therapy reduces/eliminates pain by reducing inflammation and irritation and is used for wound healing, chronic pain, stroke treatment, fibromyalgia, arthritis, tendonitis, sports injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, nerve regeneration, hair growth, skin rejuvenation, and many other ailments.
Acupuncture, involves the insertion of very thin needles through the skin on specific points and pathways based upon Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Acupressure, is a technique, in which physical pressure is applied to acupuncture points with the aim of clearing blockages within the meridian points and pathways. Electro-Acupoint (sometimes referred as Laser Acupuncture) uses the philosophy of applying pressure or stimulation to the acupuncture points, but with an electrical device that either stimulates or tonifies the point based upon the instrument.
Electro Acupoint, “Laser” Acupuncture or AcuPoint serve as a “least invasive” form of needle to stimulate specific nerve points.
Electro-Acupoint is Low Level Laser applied to acupuncture points and pathways, which has a response through nerve meridians rather than general photochemical changes induced by light.
There are over 500 acupuncture points that can be stimulated or tonified by an Electro-Acupoint Device or Low Level Laser Probe that has many therapeutic benefits ranging from reducing pain to balancing emotions. Acupoint is an excellent therapy tool in reducing cravings in addictions and consequently Laser Acupuncture or Acu-Point Therapy stimulating neural pathways associated with that craving,

Hundreds of clinical studies on the benefits of acupuncture show that it successfully improves conditions ranging from musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, neck pain, nausea, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and infertility.
Electro-Acupoint can be used to remove energy blockages created by emotions and it is a common application in addiction therapy with addictive behaviors such as alcohol, drugs and smoking.
A basic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) definition of the meridian of the , is that they are a network of energy channels’, where the Chi or qi, - life energy, flows. There are six pairs of meridians (12 major meridians), plus two additional “extraordinary” energy paths (meridians) each affecting a corresponding Yin/Yang organ. Each of these paths correspond with the Chinese “Five Elements Theory” of Metal, Earth, Fire, Water and Wood. Each of these paths have corresponding points.
Any blockages in this system may be caused by stress, bad diet, drug or alcohol abuse, injury, trauma, etc. and can be related to the cause of all health issues. It is strongly believed that this energy flow conditions our overall existence; how we think, how we feel, how our body moves. Everything.